Created in 2000, ADEMTECH SA, a company based in France and initially owing a large know-how in Emulsion technology has developed and produced superparamagnetic nanoparticles for in vitro diagnostic and life sciences.


The association of complementary skills such as physicochemistry, polymer chemistry, immunology, cellular biology, molecular biology and virology leads to the development of novel nano-objects with unique characteristics


Our Product development, Manufacture, Marketing and Sales Departments have been awarded certification under the

International Standard ISO 9001 since February 2003, now update with the 2008 version.

Sensitive to the environment, ADEMTECH committed since March 2012 in a continuous improvement program to limit the environmental impact of its activities.


Primary objectives were established to meet the quality and environment commitments:

  • Control the quality and cost of production,
  • Meet deadlines,
  • Diversify the supply to meet the expectations,
  • Control our energy spending, our resource use and CO2 emissions,
  • Collect, control and recycle as much as possible pollutants and waste that may be produced by the company's activities,
  • Respect commitments to our shareholders,
  • Respect (meet) legal requirements applicable to the Company.


This double certification requires a company to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet the needs of its customers. Therefore it needs to continually improve its quality and environment management system.