Ademtech has developed a complete range of buffers and coupling reagents for specific protein covalent coupling onto Carboxyl and Amino surface nanoparticles.
Product | Recommendation | Volume | Product number |
Activation Buffer 10X |
Carboxyl Adembeads Coupling |
15ml |
10101 |
Amino 1 Activation Buffer 10X |
Amino Adembeads Coupling |
15ml | 10102 |
Amino 2 Activation Buffer 20X |
Amino Adembeads Coupling |
22.5ml 90ml |
10103 10104 |
Storage Buffer 10X |
coated proteins storage | 15ml | 10201 |
Immobilisation Buffer 10X |
biotin immobilisation | 5ml | 10301 |
PAG - Elution Buffer 10X |
Immunoprecipitation | 10ml | 10701 |
Activ Activation Buffer 20X |
Activ Coupling | 22,5mL | 10105 |
Coupling Reagents
Product | Recommendation | Volume | Product number |
(Ethylene Glyco Diglycidyl Ether) (Technical grade 100%) |
1.5ml 7.5ml 15ml 30ml |
10505 10506 10507 10508 |
ADEMTECH - BioParc BIOGALIEN - 27 allée Charles DARWIN - 33600 PESSAC - France
Phone: +33(0)557.020.201 Fax: +33(0)557.020.206
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